t. 01234 567 890 | e. info@powerof3global.com
We were delighted to be invited by Henderson Loggie, a Scottish based accountancy firm, to deliver their first ever session on Unconscious Bias. We explored key bias theories and how they impact on workplace inclusion and equity, particularly with regard to recruitment and progression.
Power of 3 Global were invited by Art Fund to host three EDI Workshops to explore allyship in action and the conscious actions to include all colleagues.
We designed and delivered three workshops, both virtually and in person, exploring implicit bias within the UK Arts & Culture sector, and how Art Fund can continue to facilitate open and inclusive conversations and inclusion-led decision making.
Art Fund ran detailed feedback following and are moving forwards on their inclusion priorities as a result of our collaboration.
Since the workshops, we have returned to host a virtual one hour Coffee & Conversation during LGBTQ History Month, highlighting diverse artists and their often-overlooked contribution to LGBTQ history.
We will also host an additional EDI Workshop for new joiners to Art Fund focusing on Inclusive Representation at work.
We worked closely with the Learning Team at Linklaters conducting interviews and creating short films for a standalone anti-racism e-learning module.
The aims of the module were to raise awareness around the importance of challenging micro-aggressions, and highlight the conscious actions of allyship and inclusion.
Feedback on the module has been universally positive, and completion rates have exceeded all expectations at over 90%.
Following the success of this module, we were invited to cast and facilitate drama content for a new Respect training initiative for the Learning Department at Linklaters.