t. 01234 567 890 | e. info@powerof3global.com
Power Of 3 Global have partnered with leading global services firm Securitas to design, film and deliver e-learning training on Unconscious Bias which will be translated into seven languages and rolled out globally.
We were delighted to be invited by Henderson Loggie, a Scottish based accountancy firm, to deliver their first ever session on Unconscious Bias. We explored key bias theories and how they impact on workplace inclusion and equity, particularly with regard to recruitment and progression.
Power of 3 Global were invited by Art Fund to host three EDI Workshops to explore allyship in action and the conscious actions to include all colleagues.
We designed and delivered three workshops, both virtually and in person, exploring implicit bias within the UK Arts & Culture sector, and how Art Fund can continue to facilitate open and inclusive conversations and inclusion-led decision making.
Art Fund ran detailed feedback following and are moving forwards on their inclusion priorities as a result of our collaboration.
Since the workshops, we have returned to host a virtual one hour Coffee & Conversation during LGBTQ History Month, highlighting diverse artists and their often-overlooked contribution to LGBTQ history.
We will also host an additional EDI Workshop for new joiners to Art Fund focusing on Inclusive Representation at work.
We worked closely with the Learning Team at Linklaters conducting interviews and creating short films for a standalone anti-racism e-learning module.
The aims of the module were to raise awareness around the importance of challenging micro-aggressions, and highlight the conscious actions of allyship and inclusion.
Feedback on the module has been universally positive, and completion rates have exceeded all expectations at over 90%.
Following the success of this module, we were invited to cast and facilitate drama content for a new Respect training initiative for the Learning Department at Linklaters.
Power of 3 were approached by Alix Slater Consultancy to create an Inclusive Engagement strategy for Wanstead Parish in North-East London.
We designed a session which explored how championing inclusion can unlock community engagement; and how our individual actions and positive challenges around exclusion can create psychological safety, fostering a win-win environment which both supports difference and fosters inclusion.
We were approached by Citizens Advice to create ED&I listening sessions for colleagues, focusing on the impact of structural inequity, and creating safe spaces to discuss inclusion.
We explored the difference between creating diversity and fostering inclusion, and the conscious effort required to sustain genuine inclusion.
We explored theories of bias and how these can impact who we are and how we communicate, how to challenge stereotypes and in group behaviour constructively, and the importance of ally-ship and how we can all support each other inclusively.
The sessions ended with facilitated discussions around collective and individual responsibilities, and a commitment for action planning towards conscious change.
We met with Dow Jones Architects, who were keen to learn how structural inequity impacts us all, and gain a greater understanding of biases and the impact on inclusion. Dow Jones want to champion diversity, equity and inclusion to unlock creativity, impact design and influence decision making. The session we have designed mixes practical knowledge and application, is interactive and action orientated. We can’t wait to see how the new-found insights reflect in the projects and buildings DJA work on, as well as the talent they recruit.
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is an inner London borough promoting the values of respect and working in unity. RBKC wanted to ensure they were fostering an inclusive environment where staff felt empowered to speak up and bring their authentic selves to the workplace without risk or repercussions.
We designed a bespoke skills-based session, raising awareness around key concepts of authenticity, providing a toolkit for inclusive behaviours and creating a safe space for people to share their experiences and cultural nuances in order to take action towards conscious change. We equipped staff at RBKC with a process to voice concerns constructively, helping people feel more connected and supportive of each other and the communities they serve.